Sista Sista

UK Women's March
Social inclusion

UK Women’s March with Sista Sista

The Sista Sista support group attended the UK Women’s March, to express solidarity with oppressed women around the globe.

Lesbian Visibility Week 2023

Lesbian Visibility Week

For Lesbian Visibility Week 2023 we spoke to Grace, a lesbian from Cameroon living in a Micro Rainbow safe house.

Cy Twombly, Untitled (Bacchus), taken on a Sista Sista trip to the Tate
Social inclusion

Women’s History Month

This Women’s History Month, Micro Rainbow’s LBTQI Women’s Outreach Officer talks about her role supporting LBTQI women.

Table Mountain
Social inclusion

Pearlgin’s Story

Pearlgin, a non-binary South African Zulu lesbian, has had a convoluted and traumatic journey to the UK, but has still managed to grow into self-respect and pride.

Rainbow lanterns

The Invisible Women

On the occasion of International Women’s Week, Micro Rainbow announces a project dedicated to supporting LBTI asylum seeking and refugee women.