Training courses

Delivering training and resources to empower your organisation to work more sensitively and effectively with LGBTQI refugees and asylum seekers

Micro Rainbow can deliver training and produce resources to empower your organisation to work more sensitively and effectively with LGBTQI refugees and asylum seekers. 

Micro Rainbow’s trainers can also deliver broader training modules that are designed to help organisations foster more inclusive and supportive environments for their staff and service users.

We provide training and awareness raising sessions for:

  • Corporations 
  • Homelessness organisations 
  • Local Authorities 
  • Interpreting services 
  • Third sector organisations including LGBTQI and/or refugee organisations who want to be more inclusive of LGBTQI migrants

Our training modules include:

  • LGBTQI people Claiming Asylum in the UK (the module includes understanding sexual and gender identity, issues and challenges LGBTQI asylum seekers face in their home countries and the UK and how these affect their asylum claim) 
  • Housing needs of LGBTQI migrants 
  • Creating inclusive environments (Including Challenging discriminatory views and behaviours; practical and emotional support your organisation can provide to LGBTQI asylum seekers
  • The use of pronouns 
  • How to sensitively communicate with LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees: for interpreters 
  • How to support LBTQI asylum seeking and refugee women 
  • Best practices on how to sensitively and confidently question LGBTQI asylum seekers 
  • Social entrepreneurship for LGBTQI organisations, both in the UK and internationally

For more information and to ask for a quote please contact [email protected]