Online Sista Sista: Iconic Women and LGBT+ History Month
Join us on 18 February for an online Sista Sista session discussing iconic and inspiring queer women from around the world.
Upcoming events to be held in person or online
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Our Social Inclusion activities will take a two-week break from 23 December-6 January. During this time, we will not be able to respond to email inquiries sent to the usual inbox ([email protected]) or speak over the phone. We will return in January. We look forward to there being lots more opportunities for LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees to connect with each other in 2025.
Join us on 18 February for an online Sista Sista session discussing iconic and inspiring queer women from around the world.
Join the next asylum support meeting. The Feburary 19th meeting is happening online.
Singing for wellbeing is back in 2025! Join us and our community on Friday 21 February to sing together.
Come along to the Body and Movement Dance session in Birmingham on Monday 24 February.
The Communications Skills Masterclass returns in 2025! Register for the first session, on 25 February.
Join the body and movement session in London on Tuesday 25 February.
Join the online meditation session with Katie Mantwa George on the evening of 27 February.
Join this four-week long course dedicated to helping you write your personal witness statement. First session 3 March.
Join us for the second session of the first Communications Masterclass in 2025. This session is on 4 March.
The third and final week of the Communications Masterclass. This session pulls together everything learned in the previous two.
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