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Sista Sista a support group for LBTQI asylum seeking and refugee women. To join email social@microrainbow.org. NB: LBTQI asylum seekers and refugees ONLY. Online session 28 December, 2023

28 December 2023 @ 3:00 pm 4:30 pm

ONLINE EVENT – please email [email protected] to register and get the video call details.

We understand that this time of year can be lonely and isolating for LBTQI women refugees and people seeking asylum. Micro Rainbow’s LBTQI Women’s Outreach Officer is holding an online Sista Sista session for LBTQI women in our community to come together to talk and support each other between Christmas and the New Year.

The Sista Sista Support Group is safe space for LBTQI refugee women who have been victims of persecution and violence because of their sexual identity. Many come from countries where homosexuality is criminalised, and suffered additional stress and discriminations as refugees and asylum seekers when they reached the UK. All these instances led them to lose self-esteem and confidence.

Micro Rainbow’s Sista Sista workshops and activities are peer-led, and a safe space for LBTQI refugee women who have been victims of persecution and violence because of their sexual identity to come together and share experiences. Sista Sista events can range from workshops with outside practitioners, to art therapy, to trips to museums.

This Sista Sista session is taking place ONLINE. Please email [email protected] to get the details for the call.

If you have any access needs, please reach out and we will do our best to accommodate you.
