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Managing mental health with London Friend . Monday 18 March, 2-4pm. NB: For LGBTQI refugees and asylum seekers ONLY

18 March @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm

Come along and learn about managing your mental health with London Friend, the UK’s oldest LGBT charity focused on wellbeing.  

This interactive session will lead the group through some of the key issues we all face when managing our mental health, such as: 

  • The effects of anxiety on the body and mind 
  • Dealing with grief and loss 
  • Coping with setbacks 
  • Supporting yourself through periods of hardship 

Places for this event are limited – please email [email protected] to register your interest. 

Note: this session is not intended to act as individual counselling but a group exercise in learning about mental health, and how to support yourself. 

If you need urgent mental health support you can call the Samaritans hotline: 116 123, or the LGBT+ switchboard: 0800 0119 100. 

You must register to attend this event – if you do not register we cannot guarantee that you will receive a travel reimbursement. If you are late to the session, we also cannot guarantee that you will receive travel reimbursement.